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Tablet with word lipids.
Vitalii Vodolazskyi -

Prof. Dr. Andreas Birkenfeld talks about the effects of a lipometabolic disorder in "DOC Fischer".


Those affected are unsuspecting because a lipid metabolism disorder often causes no symptoms - until a heart attack or stroke occurs. However, patients are not powerless.

Lipid metabolism disorder: an invisible danger

A sudden heart attack: this is exactly what our protagonist experienced. It was triggered by a lipid metabolism disorder that led to calcification of her coronary arteries. The effects of this disease were ignored and not treated for years. 65 percent of all Germans are like her. A good half are completely unaware of their illness.

Professor Andreas Birkenfeld is an endocrinologist and researches lipid metabolism at the University Hospital in Tübingen. He also observes that lipometabolic disorders are hardly noticeable through physical symptoms.

Read the article and watch the episode of DocFischer.