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Sabrina Bacher Helmholtz Munich

Niessing Lab

Our main interest is to understand principles of RNA-mediated gene regulation and its contribution to pathologies. Our research tools include structural biology and biophysics, RNA and protein biochemistry as well as various aspects of cell biology. In addition, we run the X-ray crystallography platform at HMGU. Furthermore, we are also closely interacting with our partner lab at the Ulm University.

Our main interest is to understand principles of RNA-mediated gene regulation and its contribution to pathologies. Our research tools include structural biology and biophysics, RNA and protein biochemistry as well as various aspects of cell biology. In addition, we run the X-ray crystallography platform at HMGU. Furthermore, we are also closely interacting with our partner lab at the Ulm University.

Public Science

Group members

Robert Janowski

Dr. Robert Janowski

Staff scientist
Carolin Ketteler

Carolin Ketteler

PhD student

David Settele

PhD student
Sabrina Bacher

Sabrina Bacher

PhD student
Simone Riebe-Züfle

Simone Riebe-Züfle

Vera Roman

Vera Roman

Technical assistant
Gisela Dettweiler

Gisela Dettweiler

Technical assistant

Silvia Marcato

Master student

Avina Omidi

Master student

Niessing Lab


Simone Riebe-Züfle

Simone Riebe-Züfle


Building 43, room 029